Friday, 22 November 2013

Semi Truck Parking in Hotels: Avoid Penalties

Semi truck parking on local municipal streets has become a problem for many in Alberta and other regions of Canada. As they have enough issues with a lack of parking, many municipalities are cracking down on semis by fining them an average of $250 per ticket. That's a hefty price tag for a night's stay. Most people paying that for a single night would expect a full breakfast and turn-down service.

Free Semi Truck Parking in Alberta

So what are truckers to do? Where can the find legal, reasonable semi truck parking along their routes? Truck rest stops are few and far between, and they don't always space out to that magical ten-hour spot. If a driver has to choose between stopping three hours early or pressing on over the ten-hour mark, he'll most likely press on. These men make their money by getting goods in on time or early. A premature stop could make a huge difference in a paycheck. If truckers can only stop at rest stops, and they press on, extending their drive time, they're essentially being forced to put themselves and everyone else on the road in danger. Fortunately, there's a solution.

The Yellowhead Inn in beautiful Edmonton, Alberta offers the best Highway Hospitality for all travelers, truckers, and tourists. We provide services like semi truck parking Alberta, banquet rooms Edmonton, Restaurant, Liquor Store, Husky Gas Station, VLT Rooms and more. For more details read original source here

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Top-Class VLT Lounge Facilities in Edmonton, Alberta

VLT (Virtual Lottery Terminal) lounges were introduced in Alberta and other places in Canada in the early 1990s and have been growing in popularity every since. The games range from video poker to slot machine games and other video games. The difference between VLT games and the gaming machines you'll find at arcades is with a VLT you can actually win money. Because of this, all VLT games and every VLT lounge is age-restricted and monitored by the state lottery authority.

Edmonton's tourism industry has been building over the past few years, with attractions like the Galaxyland Amusement Park and Sea Life Caverns. The area also attracts lovers of the finer things, like the arts and eclectic shopping, with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, the Art Gallery of Alberta, and the Alberta Ballet. Local Edmonton residents and visitors, alike, can enjoy all of these things and more, then sit down elbow-to-elbow to win a little extra spending machine at the VLTs.

When you play a VLT, the lottery commission guarantees that all results of games are completely random. The owners and managers of the lounge you play in are there to serve you, not to swindle you. You'll be surprised just how much and how often you can win while you sip on a drink and relax from a full day at work or out playing. Who knows? You may win big enough to take your family on next year's big vacation, or at least to pay for a drink or two.

The Yellowhead Inn in beautiful Edmonton, Alberta offers the best Highway Hospitality for all travelers, truckers, and tourists. We provide services like banquet rooms Edmonton, Restaurant, Liquor Store, Husky Gas Station, VLT Lounge and more. For more details please visit original source here